Friday, July 15, 2011

Hope I'm This Awesome

Fingers crossed that I get this silly this weekend:


Somewhere Only We Know

From what I remember, I was never a huge Winnie the Pooh fan as a child (I came of age in the Nickelodeon era), but this movie looks adorable.

It also helps that they've got one of my top 10 favorite songs playing in the trailer :)

Here's some Winnie the Pooh wisdom to help get you through your Friday!

"If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you."

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."

"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."



Happy Friday dear friends -- always remember to be thankful for even the littlest people in your life. You may mean more to them than you know...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Aftermath

Gratuitous Photo Of Your(fat)self Wednesday

I've been working really hard at my diet this past month or so... I lost 7 pounds by the 4th of July like I wanted! Even joined a gym (how often I go isn't really important, right Voss?)

Today when I was invited by two work friends to go to the office building across the street to use their cafeteria, I was super excited! I had honestly planned on getting a salad with some cut up watermelon and a Diet Dr. Pepper.

Here's what I ended up getting:

That's a side of mac'n'cheese, chicken tenders & fries (with ranch of course), and then a side of party potatoes. AND a regular Dr. Pepper. I was so embarrassed when I got to the cashier that I lied and told her it wasn't all for me. Please also notice the grilled chicken salad my friend Erin is eating, and across the table, Debbie is eating a huge ziplock bag of grapes and a grilled cheese sandwich.

How I managed to get a boyfriend, I'll never know.

And I'm not even sorry.

(And I may or may not have gotten an ice cream sundae to eat on my way back to the office.)

.......................................Sweet Jesus - I'm getting ready to hit "Publish Post" and my co-worker Joy hands me this:

For My Lacy....

My mom got us some pret-tay sweet tickets to The Little Mermaid for tonight at The Muny. We wanted to see if one of my besties Lacy could come with us, but alas, she has to work. Ariel will be sad...


 While Little Mermaid is very good... Lacy's & my favorite movie to watch together is Pixar's Wall-E.

Instead of "Waaallll E", Lacy says "Allllll iiiii" when she's drunk :)

Love you Lace, wish you could come tonight...


Crude but Funny

☮dance to the beat of your own drum☯ (jennifer aniston)
What has Vince Vaughn been up to lately? Besides that terrible movie with Kevin James and Wynona Rider...