Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This or That

A co-worker just tried to jump out from behind a wall and scare me.

What I wanted to say: I knew you were there, I could smell your White Diamonds from across the hall.

What I said: Ohhhh ya got me!

Some days it's about playing along. Siiiigh.

GIF / Tumblr

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To My Vet

I had to give poor sweet Mia back to the shelter where we got her two years before that because she kept wizzing on all my stuff.

Broke my heart. Absolutely crushed me.

Then some time passed and I made my peace with the decision. I still miss her all the time and have her pictures everywhere...

Now today I get this email from my vet's office saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA!" 

Thanks a LOT.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Letter to My Unborn Niece or Nephew

Hey kiddo. I won't get to meet you for another month or so. I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl yet! But over the past several months, I've been bursting to tell you everything I've learned about life, so you never have to worry about learning it the hard way.

Some people will tell you that hard-learned lessons are the best kinds of lessons. This might be true, but I want to save you from hurting or struggling for even one minute of your life... so I'm gonna break it down for you.

So here they are, the lessons I've learned throughout my 25 (almost 26 - maybe we'll have the same birthday!) years on Earth, in no particular order:

- Be you. Absolutely nobody will ever be able to do it better.
- As of today (April 17th, 2012) and for the past 8 months, your parents have been more excited about you than anything that's ever happened to them in their whole lives. Keep this in mind when they're driving you up a wall or being "unreasonable". You're they're favorite thing in the WORLD.
- Nothing hurts worse than a broken heart, but if you're lucky, you'll have learned things about yourself that you didn't know before. These things will help you find your perfect person just a little bit faster. 
- Never pass up an opportunity to laugh at yourself. It may be the absolute last thing you want to do at the moment, but I promise it makes everything feel a little more manageable.
- Life is not fair. This isn't to say that karma doesn't play a factor in life (I have a whole blog devoted to the idea that it in fact, does -- what's a blog you say? It's something your weird aunt insisted on doing even though only 4 or 5 people read it. I'll explain later), but you'll see good things happen to people who don't deserve it, and bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. As hard as it is, try to remember that God has a plan for each and every single one of us. We aren't supposed to understand it - just keep some faith and keep your head up.
- Everybody has bad days and everybody is entitled to them. But try not to take these out on undeserving people. I can't tell you how many times I've snapped at your grandma (my mother) just because I was having a bad day, and then felt terrible afterwards. Save yourself the trouble of this by taking a deep breath before responding to people on days like these. 
- Keeping the above in mind, always apologize when you should. Being the first to apologize to somebody doesn't make you weak, it makes you brave. And always accept an apology when one is offered. Don't hold grudges - it's a waste of energy.
- Pray. You don't have to kneel down at the foot of your bed at night with your hands together and your eyes shut tight (unless your mom and dad say you do - probably best to listen to them). God can hear you whenever and wherever you decide to talk to Him. Always tell Him you're thankful for all He has blessed you with, and always feel free to ask Him for a little help when you think you need it. His answer will never be "no". He will either respond with "yes", "not right now, but someday", or "I have something better planned for you". 
- Clean up your own messes. Physically and metaphorically. Clean up after yourself in your room, etc. but also own up to things you've done wrong, and be willing to fix them yourself. 
- Don't pick on anyone.  ANYone. Ever. It might make you fit in with a group of your peers, and it may feel good for a moment, but please trust me when I say, you'll look back one day and regret it with all your heart. 
- Try not to whine about missing out on time with your friends to spend time with family. I know, I know. This will probably be a tough one. But I gotta tell you, you'll never look back and regret not going to so-and-so's house for a party. You'll definitely look back and regret not spending enough time with your family. 
- That being said, make time to have fun. Once you're done with school, chores, etc., make sure to get outside and do something you enjoy doing before you sit in front of the t.v. or before you call it a night!
- Appreciate your pets as much as possible because nobody will love you the way your pets love you! 
- Never settle for anything less than you deserve. If this means taking risks and doing things differently than the crowd, then by all means, do it! Nobody ever got anywhere new by doing what everyone else does!
- You can always come to me for anything. Except booze or drugs. Well, maybe booze. We'll talk.

Obviously I don't expect you to follow every single piece of this advice. You'd be some kind of mutant who nobody wants to play with if you were this perfect. But just keep these in the back of your mind, and always think before you react. Oh how I wish I had. It would have saved a lot of worry, a lot of drama, and a lot of tears. 

I'll be around to remind you of these when necessary, but also to love the ever-living breath out of you. I can't wait until I get to meet you, hold you, hug you, and adore you. You and I will have the most fun together - just promise you won't always tell your mom and dad what we're up to ;)

All my lovin' to you, little one. 
I'm always here for you!

Aunt Alli


After years (literally... years) of trying everything I could imagine to make my bullshit head of hair do something cute, I think I've finally succeeded! 

After three expensive and time consuming (five and a half hours) Keratin treatments, I think we've gotten the majority of the curl out! This won't last forever, but it gives me something to work with for the time being! The more treatments I get, the longer they last and the better it looks... worth it to me!

So like I said I've been positively drooling over those loose beachy waves I've been seeing everyone sporting, but I couldn't ever get the look down.

Beauty Tips -- I would pay all the money in my bank account to get a hair transplant so it could ever look like this. Alas, I have a cocker spaniel's hair :(

You would think it would be easy enough, just curl it and then run your fingers through it to loosen the waves. No no. Not with my afro.

But today I showered then went to work with my hair still damp in a side-braid, and then when I took my hair down at lunch, I was shocked at what I saw in the mirror!

By no means am I or is my hair as beautiful or perfect as (whoever) Olsen's above, but it's MUCH better than usual! 


Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Neeeeeews!

Betsy (one of my bffs) got engaged this weekend!!

family guy / Tumblr


Round 7: Your Daily Life in GIFs (24 GIFs) /



Chasing Vivid Dreams (up)

IT'S CATURDAY: 12 Cat photos to fulfill your every fantasy (12 Pics) / Daily Dawdle


via  via  via  via  via  via  via  via

Congratulations Betsy & Ross --- all my love!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Every time I open something (mail, a present, whatever) I announce the contents in Oprah's voice now -- like how she would say "Here's Julia ROBERRRRRTS!!!!"

"It's a picture fraaaaaaaaaaaaame!"

"It's an invitation to Stacey's WEDDIIIIIIIING!"

This must stop. This must stop now.


well, i think THAT'S important..

"If steroids are illegal for athletes, Photoshop should be illegal for models, actresses, etc."

GPOY - Overly Dramatic Edition


Me when I burned my hand on my oven earlier this week. Partly because it hurt, but mainly because the time I had to take jumping up and down and then putting ice on the burn delayed my pizza eating. 


Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Disaster

For as long as I can remember we've had Easter Sunday at my house. My mom makes the best potato casserole in the world, and we have a huge ham (not my favorite but whatevs) and people bring side dishes. 

This year I was mortified to see that my mom hadn't put corn flakes on top of the potato casserole. "Don't freak out... it's just food... don't make a scene", I had to keep repeating to myself in my head.

Then I heard my aunt say "Oh shoot I forgot to make Jell-O eggs this year." 


I managed to pull myself together and not let any of this crazy emotion show on my face, and that's when it happened.

I made my way through the line to the huge ham my mom had prepared and wanted to make myself a dollar roll sandwich. I put the roll on my plate and then managed to find two of the only perfect little pieces of ham that were perfectly pink and had no fat on them. I was pretty pleased with myself at this point and even started to think that the rest of my family were suckers because they weren't going to have as perfect of a sandwich. This almost made up for the lackluster potatoes and the missing Jell-O egg desserts. I got too cocky though. I tried to hold my plate with one hand while reaching for the mustard, and the plate began to tip. I over-compensated and made it much worse than it would have been if I had just stood still, and I watched the ham sandwich fall to the floor. 

Our 11 year old Brittany Spaniel, Matti, rushed over to help herself to some Easter Ham. 

Imperfect potatoes.
No Jell-O Eggs.
And now the only thing I had going right for me, this beautiful ham sandwich, was being enjoyed by the dog. 

I couldn't take it. I had lost my composure.

Easter was ruined. No amount of Starburst jelly beans or carrot cup-cakes would make up for  it. 

Let's hope Mother's Day brunch goes better than this. I can't handle anymore disappointments... 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012


"She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people..."
