Friday, December 28, 2012

It's Been Awhile.

Sorry for the lack of posting lately... December was a disgustingly busy month for me. In a good way! Christmas with my family and friends was amazing - couldn't have asked for anything better. But I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to a gloriously empty January :)

So what are your New Years Resolutions going to be? Do you have anything in mind?
Originally mine was going to be the super lame "Lose 15 pounds by my vacation in May"... but I decided that that's just something I have to do no matter what. The Big Betsy Baxter Ball Bachelorette Birthday Bonanza event (or The 7 B Weekend) is coming up in early May in Florida, and then her wedding is in early June. After catching a glimpse of myself in the bridesmaid dresses we tried on last week I decided there's a considerable amount of work to be done. I'm like the fat ghost from Casper - ya know the live-action one with Christina Ricci and Bill Pullman? So anyway I just have to tighten up and get a few shades darker before that time comes. Just tighten up

Realistically my resolution should be to keep my condo cat-hair and cat-litter free and to hang up my clothes when I take them off as opposed to stacking them on top of my dresser, but who are we kidding? It's a resolution, not a magic trick. Try as I might, there will still be mass quantities of evidence of the two jerk cats everywhere, as well as clothes piled high in miscellaneous places.  I've made my peace with that.

So then I decided maybe my resolution should be to start being nicer to people. Lately I've noticed that I get annoyed with people a lot easier than I used to. I used to be a very patient and gracious person on the outside and snarky on the inside. Lately the snark has gotten the better of me and I've become a bit bitchy. Gotta lock that up - it's not cute.

So? What's yours?

happy new year!