Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halloween 2011... nyuk-nyuk-nyuk.

Over booze and laughter on Friday night, my friends Kristen, Katy and I decided what we want to be for Halloween this year.

We thought about being Three Blind Mice, McDonalds characters, football players... but ultimately we decided on these guys:

Obviously I'll be dressing up as Larry Fine because I have the Larry-Fine-Fro. Kristen is going to buy a bowl cut wig, and Katy will be donning a bald cap for the evening.

We were out a bar practicing our eye-gouges and ear flicking when we realized how embarrassing we are together. We'll save our stooge-ness for All Hallow's Eve but until then... may I just say...

"Why you!!!"

1 comment:

  1. haha, i can't wait for the pictures! also a good costume idea because you all get to be comfortable all night!
