Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Brilliant Bug

My sister's doggy Lily, whom we all affectionately call Buggy, is the smartest dog you guys.

(Volume necessary)

I wasn't even in the house but she ran around looking for me until my sister got her to stop. I stayed with her a lot in November and we re-bonded. She celebrated her birthday on the 25th with extra doggy treats and a long nap in the afternoon.

I couldn't ask for a better niece puppy :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh Hi



Sleep Deprivation

I put my Christmas tree up this past weekend. At first, Lyla was cool with it. In fact, she paid little to no attention to it.

But now.... well now it's a different story.
She spent all night last night gingerly batting ornaments off the tree and then chasing them all over the condo. Up and down the length of the living room, rolling the ceramic holiday balls over the hard wood floors without a care in the world. I had to get up no less than seven times to get the ornament away from her and put it back on the tree in a higher location than it was before.

So I didn't sleep well last night. And because of that, I'm sleep deprived. And because I'm sleep deprived, I think this is hilarious.

Click play on the video, let the music play and watch the GIF below.

 это я курочка ряба

You can thank me now, just leave a comment.

Monday, November 28, 2011

For Dad...

K-e-double-n once told me that Ticket To Ride was in his top 3 favorite Beatles songs.
Ran across this today and had to post it.


I could probably watch this movie (HELP!) on repeat.
If you haven't yet been introduced, do yourself a favor. There's enough light-hearted, British banter in that flick to last movie-quoters a lifetime.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Thankful For....

If you're a loyal reader, you remember that Thanksgiving last year didn't go so well for me. This year I plan to avoid the Jagermeister/projectile vomiting route and opt for sobriety. See that? Growth.

People are tweeting what they're grateful for this year, and it gave me the idea to do a post full of things I'm grateful for, in no particular order:

1. Jane, Kenn, and Jessica
2. Puppehs and kittehs, all of 'em, everywhere
3. Cheese
4. Joy & Helane
5. Music. The good kind
6. My iPhone (sad but true)
7. Potato Casserole
8. People with a sense of humor
9. Pinterest
10. My bed
11. Bud Light
12. Alliteration
13. People still reading this list
14. Warm weather
15. The New Girl on FOX
16. Text messages
17. Harry Potter
18. GIFs
19. Anybody still reading this
20. My fellow Romans

That's obviously just a very small list. I'm grateful for tons more. But I think those are the important things.

Since I hate Thanksgiving food, I'm bringing Kraft Macaroni & Cheese to my aunt's house this year. Can't wait to see the kind of reaction that gets from the rest of the family. I'm sure it will begin some sort of argument - and thus be the official beginning of the Holiday Season!

Happy Turkey Day folks!

Friday, November 18, 2011

You GUYS!!!

After an oil spill takes place, animals are in a tricky spot. Their habitats are compromised and they're left with a small chance of thriving and survivng.

New Zealand activists took it upon themselves to do something to help penguins affected by a recent oil spill, and they did it in one of the cutest ways... ever...

Here's a blurb I found on Nosh about the sweaters:

"Aside from keeping the penguins warm, sweaters also help prevent poisoning.  While they are already soaked, it’s eating the oil in an attempt to cleanse themselves that causes most cases of poisoning.  Sweaters are providing a strong barrier."

Good work, humans. Proud to be one of you today.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Funny AND Educational!

Looking for some new reading material that will make you laugh, and teach you some facts about the good old U.S. of A? Check out Name That State - my friend Katie's new blog!

Katie travels a lot for work, and therefore has learned a lot about places she had never been before... smalltown Tennessee and the backwoods of Mississippi, thet list goes on and on. She travels to these real classy areas and then gives them new state names dripping with wit and sarcasm. 

It couldn't be a cuter blog and I'm so proud of her for putting it together! Check in frequently to see what kinds of gems she's finding out there.. you won't be disappointed!

Oh and Also...

Evidently this song is sung by the Pointer Sisters but until today, I always thought it was sung by RuPaul. Just listen to this and tell me you can't imagine him singing this... sounds like a man to me!!

This is ruining my childhood!!!!

Santa Baby

I grew up listening to the A Very Special Christmas c.d. over and over again around the holidays. Just seeing the cover of this gets me excited!

This c.d. is long gone now, though. Gone to wherever lost c.d.'s and dvd's go in our family - to a neighbor, in the basement somewhere, out of a moving car window... whathaveyou. I just downloaded it again on iTunes though. Thanks Steve Jobs.

Back in the day, my sister and I would dance like white girls to Run DMC's "Christmas in Hollis" (I still know every word by heart... doy...). My mom's favorite was "Merry Christmas Baby" by Bruce Springsteen, for obvious reasons, and we would always roll our eyes and say, "Daaaaaad.... that's so weird...." when he would louldy sing "Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear...." instead of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" with Annie Lennox. Typical Ritchey shenanigans.

This c.d. brought me so much joy as a child, but also lead to so much confusion. In Maddona's version of "Santa Baby" (the best version, in my book) she sings, "Santa baby, slip the sable under the tree, for me". At one point in my childhood my dad drove a mint-green Mercury Sable, similar to this beauty:

so in my head, when Madonna crooned "slip the sable under the tree" I imagined that she wanted a Mercury under her tree. "How neat," I thought, "Madonna wants the same car my old man has!"

Several years later when I heard the original version by Eartha Kitt, I thought, "Damn they had Sables back then?"

It wasn't until my early twenties that I realized that a sable is also a luxurious fur. Which makes more sense for Eartha and Madonna to want under their tree than an American made automobile (although they both ask for convertibles, too... that's my justification).

It's this and so many other things similar to it that lead me to believe that I need to be tested for a mental disability.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Universe

My heart stumbles on things I don't know.

I think once people realize that this is exactly the way life works, things start to become a little less dramatic. If life hands you something that completely devastates us, we have to try to remember (as impossible as it seems at the time) that there's a reason for it.

I'm not the most religious girl, but I saw a quote on Pinterest that really gave me a new way to look at prayers...

Pinned Image

I have a flair for the dramatic. I always have. Whenever something slightly bad happens I tend to think of it as the worst thing that's ever happened to anybody anywhere. I can admit this, and I know that it's a horrible trait to have. But I want to be better about it. I want to be able to let things roll off my shoulders easier. Hopefully if I keep these two quotes in mind the next time I find myself in a less-than-desirable situation, I'll react a little better.

Here's hoping anyway...