Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Thankful For....

If you're a loyal reader, you remember that Thanksgiving last year didn't go so well for me. This year I plan to avoid the Jagermeister/projectile vomiting route and opt for sobriety. See that? Growth.

People are tweeting what they're grateful for this year, and it gave me the idea to do a post full of things I'm grateful for, in no particular order:

1. Jane, Kenn, and Jessica
2. Puppehs and kittehs, all of 'em, everywhere
3. Cheese
4. Joy & Helane
5. Music. The good kind
6. My iPhone (sad but true)
7. Potato Casserole
8. People with a sense of humor
9. Pinterest
10. My bed
11. Bud Light
12. Alliteration
13. People still reading this list
14. Warm weather
15. The New Girl on FOX
16. Text messages
17. Harry Potter
18. GIFs
19. Anybody still reading this
20. My fellow Romans

That's obviously just a very small list. I'm grateful for tons more. But I think those are the important things.

Since I hate Thanksgiving food, I'm bringing Kraft Macaroni & Cheese to my aunt's house this year. Can't wait to see the kind of reaction that gets from the rest of the family. I'm sure it will begin some sort of argument - and thus be the official beginning of the Holiday Season!

Happy Turkey Day folks!

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