Monday, January 2, 2012


A wise friend of mine (who is also a wise-ass) recently said, "All you have to do is have fun. It's not that hard."

That's obviously not that profound of a statement but it really made an impact on me... I'm infamous for expecting things to go perfectly, and when things go awry (as they always do) I never know how to deal. I was explaining this to my friend when he eloquently just blurted this out, and I literally stopped in my tracks and said out loud "....Nobody has ever put it like that before..."

I have several New Years resolutions this year (save money, eat the groceries I buy, start a catchphrase that sweeps the nation) but I think the most important one will be to always keep this bit of wisdom in mind. Whenever I find myself putting too much pressure on myself to look perfect, act perfect, have the perfect date, host the perfect dinner party, etc., I'll try to stop and remind myself that all I can really do is have fun.

It's not that hard.

G o o d m o r n i n g - B e a u t i f u l (easy a,emma stone,thumbs up,gif)

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