Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"10 Reasons...."

Found this on a website called The Gloss and thought it was worth sharing! 

"10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Date A Writer:

1. Conversation theft - Sure, The Great Gatsby was "fiction," but how many of those lines did Scott steal right from Zelda's lips and put them in print directly word for word? Exactly.

2. Everything is a f*cking metaphor - Seriously. Writers can find metaphors in anything.

3. It's called "literary license" - Basically, a writer can do what they want with their words, and you just have to sit back and watch while the whole time they'll define it as "literary license". Which it is, of course, but sometimes you don't want someone to take literary license when it comes to your life you didn't want revealed in the first place.

4. Overall, they're a wounded lot - "Most things good for writing are bad for life." - Lorrie Moore. It's so true. Do you want to be the one to mend that broken wing of your lover every other week? I don't think so.

5. The battle of truths and lies - In my version, I'm the tall pretty one who broke your heart, so that's how I'll write it whether or not you object. Also, "You're painfully too short for even a proper adjective to be attached to you..." or at least that's how I "recall" it.

6. Darkest secrets revealed - Granted, they'll name the character Julie or something equally random, the one who looks exactly like you and also had a breakdown in 2005, but the truth is your secret has just been revealed. But hey, it's for the sake of art!

7. Quote 'em if you got 'em - Do you know how many times during a single proper two-hour lunch my writer friends and I quote some text or poem? Too many to count. Yes we're that pretentious... or that dorky.

8. Go ahead and have another - Let's be honest, a lot of the great writers were (and are) hooked on some substance or another. And with this winning quote from our buddy, Hem, "Write drunk; edit sober", we have an excuse for this codependency. What's a 9am deadline for 1600 words, if it's not reeking of whiskey? Nothing!

9. "You absolutely MUST read this!" - Writers tend to think that because they write they know more about writing and literature than every other person in the world. Chances are every time you leave a writer's home, you've got two or three books you didn't ask for and probably won't read in your bag. That's fine, I guess, you can just add them to your collection. 

10. Immortalization - Even if this is the age of the internet and you've got a bunch of us bloggers calling themselves writers, the fact remains that you can't erase the Internet. So when you find yourself in the starring role of some gal's essay and she's referring to you as Swede or Tattoo Guy or whatever else she's not-so-cleverly come up with, you should realize you're f*cked. Not only has she exposed you, but she's probably even loved you and that alone is some scary shit right there."

Written by: Amanda Chatel for The Gloss

Well this broad is DEAD on. She's freaky right. She must know what she's talking about! 

But us writers (this is me, as a "blogger", calling myself a writer) aren't all bad!

Here is my rebuttal:

7 Reasons Why You Should Date A Writer:

1. Eloquence - Writers have a way with words that can flatter (and insult) in ways that a non-writer's brain cannot fathom. We can tell you things about yourself that you already know, but we can do it in a colorful and thought-provoking way. Tres interesting, no?

2. "It's like that time when..." - Who doesn't like to hear that someone else has been through what you're going through before? Writers can always give examples of literary characters who've been through the same thing. "I can imagine how pissed off you are. It's like that time in Little Women where Amy throws Jo's manuscript in the fire. You should push her into a frozen lake or something." Cuz that's totally how that went. 

3. Helpful! - Whether you're writing a thank you note or an email for work, writers are generally good people to have around to help with the phrasing/spell check/etc! We have a certain flair that you normal people don't. Morons.

4. Good company - Some of the most influential people that ever lived are writers. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison. J. K. Rowling. That alcoholic Hemingway. And I don't know their names but I hear those dudes who wrote the Bible knew how to have a good time...

5. Love letters - 'nuff said.

6. Credit where credit is due - If you're dating a writer, odds are you're going to be written about in one form another. When you do something nice or something they find amusing, odds are even greater. Wouldn't you like it if your nice gesture or your funny story was written for millions (or in my case, a handful) of people to read? This is the other side of the "Immortalization" argument. What if you're immortalized for being the most amazing boyfriend/girlfriend ever, who did the most amazing things for their partner the writer?

7. Because we're awesome. Well. At least I am.

I Heart Shabby Chic: Shabby Chic Vintage Valentine Ideas 2012 (typewriter,vintage,valentine,hearts)

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