Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lana Del Cray

Will someone please let Lana Del Ray know that everything is going to be okay? She's really starting to worry me over here...

"I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight."
"I'm like a child who belongs to nobody."
"Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?"
"Everything is fine, but I wish I was dead."
"You don't want to be like me, don't want to see all the things I've seen."
"If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?"

Easy does it, lady! Can a girl get an uplifting ballad please?

I used to think that someone had kidnapped her, forced her to do a whole bunch of drugs, and then left her literally dazed and confused with a pen and pad of paper...

But now I just think she's a lunatic with a record label.

Methinks a prescription for Zoloft might go a long way.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Dude I totally get it now - I'm still single because I haven't met one of these fellas yet...

So I just need to meet one of these handsome fellas and then I'll be all set....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Did you believe in wishes as a kid?
Do you still now?

20 Reasons Summer Is The Only Season That Matters

I can honestly say that I'm glad a lot of my wishes didn't come true. Silly thoughts that pop into your head as you're leaning over your birthday cake, blowing an eyelash off your fingertip or at 11:11. Makes me look back and realize how true the old adage, "be careful what you wish for" really is.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


What I feared was going to be a perfectly lousy birthday turned into the most amazing one I've ever had. I honestly have the best friends and family a girl could ever ask for, and I thank God for each and every one of you every night.
Thank you to all who made 27 the best birthday yet! And as I say each year, "I think this year is going to be my year". And each year, I'm right!
Much love.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Certain Songs

There are a handful of songs on my iTunes that I will never get tired of:

Guster: Careful
Eric Hutchinson: Oh!
Chuck Berry: You Never Can Tell
Dr. Dog: The Breeze
O.A.R.: Dareh Meyod
Harry Chapin: Sunday Morning Sunshine
Pete Townshend: Let My Love Open The Door
Jack Johnson: Banana Pancakes
The Cardigans: Love Fool
Sublime: Santeria
Pearl Jame: Come Back
Kings of Leon: Knocked Up
Old Crowe Medicne Show: Wagon Wheel
Simple Minds: Don't You Forget About Me
The Doors: People Are Strange
Dr. Dog: The Rabbit, The Bat & The Reindeer
Chris Isaak: Beautiful Homes
The Who: Eminence Front
Girl Talk: Let It Out
Ludo: Love Me Dead
Jane's Addiction: Jane Says
Mink DeVille: Spanish Stroll

What are your "can't-skip" songs?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

3 day (holiday! birthday!) weekend ahead. 
Have you ever been so excited for anything in your life?!

I didn't think so.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This Woman's Work

I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left
I know you have a little life in you yet
I know you have a lot of strength left


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Duck Update

I think I found the little ducks that took off while I was out of town...

I guess they look pretty happy. 

Thank God it's Donald Duck and not Daffy Duck. I hear that guy's a real a-hole.

Monday, May 13, 2013


I have a weird thing about teeth. I always have.

Some people are weird about eyes, I'm weird about teeth.

I dream probably twice a week that I have a tooth fall out in a social setting, in the middle of a crowd when I'm telling a story. I've asked professionals (well, okay, the interwebz) about this and their answers always vary. Some say it's anxiety, some say it's depression, some even say it's sexual frustration. My old man says it's because I'm a freaked out whack-job and I'm inclined to believe him. 

So teeth have always been a hot-button issue of sorts for me. So when I came across this quote last week, it really resonated with me. Whether or not you're going through a breakup like I am, this quote surely will apply to something at some point in your life. 

"My dentist once told me that letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you're relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it wasn't hurting you doesn't mean you didn't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you find yourself missing it terribly. It's going to take awhile - it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go."
(Found this on a Tumblr - not sure who or how to credit it.)

Call me crazy, but this might be one of the simplest yet most poignant comparisons I've ever read. 

Your mind really does wander down a comfortable and familiar route of, "He and I should go here together - we both love live music". And then just as your tongue would be shocked to find that there's no tooth there anymore, your heart is shocked to remember that there's no "we" anymore.  Over and over. 

Soon enough though, you stop running your tongue over that spot because you just know it's gone. The same way that your mind eventually stops thinking of him as yours. 

Luckily, for me, the hard part should be over soon. I should be getting back into a comfortable groove on my own, and learning to make myself my number one priority again.

Until then you'll catch me smiling. Just with one less tooth!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oh hai.

Anyone still out there?

I haven't posted in 5 months, so I would understand if nobody was out there anymore! I was kind of a busy bee what with being in a relationship at all, but since that ship has sailed, I have some free time again and nobody's ear to really chat off, so I'll write my stories out like I used to.

I work in an office building with shrubs and bushes surrounding the exterior walls. A couple weeks ago, our maintenance man Robert walked over to my desk and told me that we would have some baby ducks in our parking lot soon! He took me outside and showed me that there was a mama duck sitting on her nest inside of a little bush. Of course I decided that this now was my duck and that it would be my responsibility to take care of her (as if she really needed my help to begin with). 

Each day I would go out there to see if she was doing okay, and to make sure that nobody was messing with her nest. I would bring her Goldfish crackers (thanks for sharing, Betsy) and Saltines. It was hard to see her little face in there behind all of the leaves, but I could feel her giving me the stink eye... 

"Get away from my nest you lunatic, I can take care of myself."

But she ate everything I brought her! 

A couple of weeks went by and it was time for me to go on vacation to Florida. While I was gone I asked my co-worker Katie to keep an eye on the mama and her eggs. Yesterday as I was boarding my plane back to St. Louis, Katie sent me a text message that said that the eggs had hatched and that there was nobody there! I got back to the office first thing this morning and sure enough, there were broken eggs everywhere and no ducks to be seen.

Robert came and found me this morning and told me all about how he went over to check on them on Monday and how they were gone, and later that day he saw a woman on a street near our office stopping traffic. He walked over to see what the commotion was all about and there they were, the 6 little ducklings and their mama that I had fallen so in love with! The lady got them safely across the street and Robert followed them over to their nest. The babies were having a hard time getting back into their nest so Robert fashioned a teeny tiny duckling ramp for them to use to get up the curb and back into their little house. 

But now they're gone. Just .... gone. 

Good luck little duckling friends. I'll miss you all!