Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oh hai.

Anyone still out there?

I haven't posted in 5 months, so I would understand if nobody was out there anymore! I was kind of a busy bee what with being in a relationship at all, but since that ship has sailed, I have some free time again and nobody's ear to really chat off, so I'll write my stories out like I used to.

I work in an office building with shrubs and bushes surrounding the exterior walls. A couple weeks ago, our maintenance man Robert walked over to my desk and told me that we would have some baby ducks in our parking lot soon! He took me outside and showed me that there was a mama duck sitting on her nest inside of a little bush. Of course I decided that this now was my duck and that it would be my responsibility to take care of her (as if she really needed my help to begin with). 

Each day I would go out there to see if she was doing okay, and to make sure that nobody was messing with her nest. I would bring her Goldfish crackers (thanks for sharing, Betsy) and Saltines. It was hard to see her little face in there behind all of the leaves, but I could feel her giving me the stink eye... 

"Get away from my nest you lunatic, I can take care of myself."

But she ate everything I brought her! 

A couple of weeks went by and it was time for me to go on vacation to Florida. While I was gone I asked my co-worker Katie to keep an eye on the mama and her eggs. Yesterday as I was boarding my plane back to St. Louis, Katie sent me a text message that said that the eggs had hatched and that there was nobody there! I got back to the office first thing this morning and sure enough, there were broken eggs everywhere and no ducks to be seen.

Robert came and found me this morning and told me all about how he went over to check on them on Monday and how they were gone, and later that day he saw a woman on a street near our office stopping traffic. He walked over to see what the commotion was all about and there they were, the 6 little ducklings and their mama that I had fallen so in love with! The lady got them safely across the street and Robert followed them over to their nest. The babies were having a hard time getting back into their nest so Robert fashioned a teeny tiny duckling ramp for them to use to get up the curb and back into their little house. 

But now they're gone. Just .... gone. 

Good luck little duckling friends. I'll miss you all!


  1. If only everyone was lucky enough to have a Robert fashion them a teeny tiny duckling ramp on an as needed basis!
