Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Friday - 6/28/2013

Listening to Pandora this a.m. in an almost-empty office. I went with 90s country and this gem came on. 

Haven't heard this one since I owned the Come on Over cassette tape and would listen to it while trying to teach myself how to line dance in my bedroom.

Going to the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend with my momma and her sisters for some R&R! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Curly Twirly

Things I hear every time I get my hair done in a salon:

Them: Oh my, you've got a lot of hair!
Me: Oh my, I had no idea!

Them: Have you had a perm lately?
Me: No, noooo I haven't.

Them: Are you sure about that?
Me: Oop, wait, maybe I did no - yep I'm sure.

Them: How early do you have to wake up to do your hair every morning?
Me: Early.

Them: Do you just love your curls?
Me: Would you?

Them: So what are we doing today?
Me: Shave it. Shave it all off.

Every. Single. Time.

puppy c:

Bitter or Sweet?

There comes a time in everyone's life where you have to choose how you're going to act. Are you going to be an optimist, or a pessimist? 

I yo-yo back and forth between both faster than Oprah yo-yos between dress sizes. Some days I'm upbeat and positive that I'll be just fine, and others I'm certain that nothing good will ever happen to me.

What's healthier, though? Having rose-colored expectations, or having no expectations at all?

I know how dangerous it is to get your hopes up too high and then have everything fall through - get a metaphorical cream pie to the face.

"Oh everything is going to be so perfect and I'm going to get everything I want out of life, I'm going to have it all and be the happiest person in the world...."

But some people argue that going from day-to-day with a "glass half empty" mentality isn't any better. It turns you into a grump. A bitter grump, and there's no worse kind. 

Is there a difference between being negative and being realistic?

I think instead of living my life as an optimist or a pessimist, I'm going to hope for the best, and plan for the worst. Live each day as a little of both, at the same time.

You have a choice to be bitter or to be sweet. I'm just a bittersweet kinda gal.


It takes me about 4 minutes to drive to work (even with traffic) and I'm supposed to be in the office at 8:30.

Imagine my surprise when I looked down at my dashboard this morning and saw that it was 9:37. I broke out in an immediate sweat and slammed on the breaks. 

"What the hell?! Oh my God!"

I started thinking back to this morning and trying to figure out how many times I hit the snooze button, how long my shower really was, did I even set my alarm for the right time??

As I'm starting to hyperventilate I notice that there's something funny about the clock. There isn't a ":" between the numbers, but a "."
"Oh that's the radio... that's the station oookay. Okay. We're good."

It was 8:28 and I still had 2 full minutes to get to work on time. All was right with the world.

This isn't a new car I'm driving or anything. Same car I've had for 2 and a half years. I'm just that brilliant.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Well Said.

Oh Whoopsies...

{Somewhere in my college dating carreer}

There I was, standing in his bathroom after he had cooked me a lovely dinner. 

I looked down and saw his puka shell necklace (more like PUKE-a shell necklace, amiright?) on his bathroom counter.

I hated that he wore this and desperately wanted to tell him that the mid-seventies were over, therefore all shell accessories had to go... but we'd only been out on two dates. Couldn't do that quite yet.

So I had two choices here: I could just write it off as an inconsequential part of who he was and realize it didn't matter............

Or I could knock it off the counter, into the trashcan, then strew some toilet paper over it so it wouldn't be seen. 


Guess which one I did...

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Old Man

Father's Day is approaching!

Sometimes I catch myself saying, "Oh my God - I'm turning into my dad."
More often than not, though, it's, "I'm so lucky to be like my dad."

So here's to the coolest dad in any room... love you K-E-double-N!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Betsy, one of my besties, who also goes by Butsy, is officially a St. Louisan! 

We have a full summer of laying out, baseball games and beer drinking ahead of us...

Jennifer Lawrence

Now if we could only get that pesky little Lacy to move back...


Tickld - Spread Laughter and Cure Boredom

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


When you purchase a home, or a car (or anything that you have to make monthly payments on), the collection agency will send you a book of payment coupons that look like this:

When I bought my condo in 2010, I was presented with a booklet of coupons that look just like these, but nobody told me how to use them. In my world, a coupon was something you clipped out of a newspaper for a discount on a 10 inch pizza. Puzzled, I brought the booklet into work and asked my co-worker and friend, Helane, what these were for.

"There are only 12 in here, so does that mean I get like... a discount or something on 12 payments throughout the entire time I own the condo?"

At the time, Helane didn't know me well enough to laugh directly in my face (something she has no trouble doing now), so she stopped for a moment to gather herself.

"No, sweetheart", she said. "These are just the little slips of paper you turn in with each monthly payment that show your address and account numbers so they can keep track of who is paying for which condo... Does that make sense at all?"

"Oh... so why are they called 'coupons' then? That's not what a real 'coupon' is at all. How are people like me supposed to know this?"

Seriously, though! Call them something else! Coupon is already taken! They're the things that bored housewives collect in binders to bring to the grocery store and get 125 dollars worth of food for 77 cents... 

It's things like this that make people think I'm stupid, when really, I'm just a special thinker. 
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


New Obsession

Blowin' Smoke - Kacey Musgraves

An Unforeseen Problem

I have a gift certificate to Target for $25 that I can only use online. 

I have never been so stressed out about anything in my life.

It just sits there in my Inbox taunting me. 

Why is it when I'm physically in a Target store I can't leave without spending $100, but when I have money to blow I can't find anything I want to buy...

This is what always happens with gift certificates. I save them because I want to use them for something special or something I really need, and then I just end up shoving them in my wallet and forgetting they're there.

What's wrong with me?! Does anyone else save their G.C.'s??


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Time My Mom Tried to Kill Me

When I was 19 years old, my mom tried to kill me.

I had just finished my freshman year at Mizzou, and was coming home to spend the summer with my folks. A recent dentist appointment had told me that my wisdom teeth were coming in and that I needed to have those removed pronto. So we scheduled the appointment for a random Wednesday afternoon that month.

At that time, mom worked in a doctor's office for an ophthalmologist who did Lasik eye surgery. I had always had mediocre eyes and was interested in the procedure (mainly because I knew Jessica Simpson had done it).

So I went into mom's office and had them do the four hours worth of testing (let's get some perspective here, people... In four hours you could watch Titanic start to finish and then watch a full episode of Friends) and by the time the testing was done they had determined that I was indeed a candidate for Lasik. Cool. Thanks. I knew that already.

So mom, being the sweetheart-ed gal she is, thought it would be wise to get all of my misery out of the way all at once. She scheduled my eye surgery for the day after my wisdom teeth extraction.

 "This way, you won't have to heal two separate times over the summer! Plus your eyes will feel so much better by the next day that you'll just be glad it's all over at once!"

Sounds good, right? Sounds like a well thought out plan. 

So we thought.

The morning of my wisdom teeth extraction came and I tried every trick in the book to get out of it to no avail. I got strapped down in the chair and the kind nurse came over to me to run me through the drill (ew, drill, teeth, shudder, blih). I started crying immediately because I hate teeth and I was afraid of the giant needle she was about to stick in my arm and I'm a huge pansy-ass. She tried to warn me, "Sweetie if you're crying when you go under anesthesia, odds are you'll be crying when you wake up... that will scare you! You need to really try to calm down..." 

Really, who the hell does that work on? When does telling someone they need to calm down actually ever result in the hyper person calming down? That is an instant pressure-raiser. An immediate heart-rate-speeder-upper. Didn't work in this instance.

They put me under and I guess they pulled out my teeth (I don't really even know what they were doing in there during those 3 hours) and then the woke me back up. And they were right - I was hysterical when I woke up. They wheeled me in a wheelchair out into the lobby where I'm sure I terrified all of the people waiting their turn for oral surgery. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. I was literally wailing at the top of my lungs, choking on my gauze and trying to fight my way out of the chair. 

Anyway. Mom gets me home and puts me in my bed with an ice pack over my mouth and as many pain-killers as the law would allow. She even slept on my floor that night so she could help me whenever I woke up, like the angel she is!

The next morning my mouth was sore, but not too terrible. We had done a pretty good job of changing out the gauze when we were supposed to and keeping the affected areas as clean as possible. I was feeling pretty good so I decided I would be brave and venture on with the Lasik, even though I looked like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter.

We get to the "surgery suite", I'm strapped into another chair and they give me the necessary amount of Valium it takes to let someone slice into your eyeball with a scalpel. My mom was standing in the gallery watching the whole thing go down (covering her own laser-enhanced eyes whenever anything got too gross). They get about 5 minutes into the surgery and mom hears the surgeon say, "Welp that's a problem", and set his tools down. 

Turns out my corneas were too thin for the procedure. That's right. They managed to somehow miss this tidbit of information during the four hours of testing they did on me a couple of weeks prior. They conversed about this for what seemed like hours even in my Valium-induced state. My eyes were being held open by clamps and they kept having to water them with a little hose to keep them moist. Just heaven.

 Finally, conversation ends, and they tell me they're going to proceed, but with a different type of surgery.

An Ophthalmology Lesson:

Lasik (what I was supposed to have): Where they slice your eyeball open, laser, and then your eye heals itself within about 12 hours

Lasek (what I ended up getting): Where they scratch a layer of your cornea off, laser, and that layer grows back over 4-5 days

(I have the whole thing on a VHS tape if anyone is interested in watching, but I assure you, it's quite disgusting.) 

Surgery took about 45 minutes and then they turned me loose. I had a new pair of goggles and a giant pair of sunglasses for the ride home. 

So I've got my old-lady sunglasses, my superhero goggles, and my fat cheeks with cotton gauze hanging out of them, in a lime green Juicy Couture terry-cloth track suit. I was a sight to see if I may say so myself.

I couldn't do anything by myself because I was BLIND. For DAYS. I couldn't feed myself. I couldn't watch tv. I couldn't bathe myself. I had to finagle myself into a bathing suit and have my mom help me. I remember blindly putting my swimsuit on and meandering my way into the bathroom only to hear her snickering at me. 

"What's so funny?" I muttered, pissed-offedly.
"Nothing honey. Your swimsuits is just on inside out (giggle giggle giggle). You poor sweet thing."

My sister has a photo of me while I'm lying in bed with an ice pack made for shoulder/back pain over my mouth and my goggles taped (with that sticky ass medical tape) to my head like a God damn invalid. I haven't seen this picture in years and I'm 110% positive that she's saving this for the next time I really piss her off so she can put it on Facebook for the world to see and mock. 

So thank you, my dear* mother, for not only muting me but for blinding me as well. Sometimes I think this was all part of your master plan to dull my senses one by one until I had to stay home and have you take care of me forever. Kathy Bates style. 

*My mom really is the best person in the world - I don't know what I would do without her!