Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

I don't claim to know much about anything. I know a little about some things, sure... but I'm not an expert in any field. What I do know, is that life always circles around. Always. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad - it usually depends on the person - but I think everyone has the power to spin life's circles in certain directions. 

Now I'm willing to admit that there are circumstances which we as mere mortals are unable to control. Illness, tragedies, bad hair days... what have you.  But generally, we play a pretty substantial role in the way our lives pan out. It sincerely always comes back to the decisions we make on a daily basis. I'm not talking about the decision to wear the red shirt or the blue, to eat the salad or the burger - I'm talking about the decision on whether to be compassionate or to be cold, to be open or to be closed.

Throughout this blog, I hope to prove to people that life (while challenging at times) can go in the direction you want it to go in, but not without some work on your end. I honestly believe that my generation has this sense of entitlement that past generations haven't had. We believe that we should have what we want without putting any work towards it. (Obviously, there are some exceptions to this opinion. I know several people my age who work extremely hard for what they've got and don't plan on stopping any time soon.) Some people see my generation as selfish, some see us as lazy. I'm going to try to prove that it's actually pretty easy (not to mention satisfying) to get the life you want the right way.

Here goes nothing...

Photo courtesy of 

1 comment:

  1. I have to say something and you may think it's cheesy, but,
    I'm so proud to read what you wrote and more importantly
    that YOU wrote it. You have a great life attitude and that's
    how I know you will always be successful!

    It's always best to be tactful, empathetic and confident
    towards others.
