One of my favorite games growing up was always Truth or Dare. I loved how depending on who you're playing with would decide whether you picked T or D. If you're playing with boys it's probably safer to tell the truth than to do whatever dare it is that they have in mind, but then again, it's most likely going to be more embarrassing to spill your deepest darkest secrets than it would be to, say, stick your head in a toilet. You're never safe no matter what you choose. So why was it such a rush to play?
I've gotten older and though I haven't played Truth or Dare in years, I still deal with the choices every now and again. Is it safer to shut up and do something you're uncomfortable doing? Or is it smarter to (enter John Mayer lyric here) Say What You Need to Say, and deal with the consequences?
Life hands us situations that demand that we make a choice. Speak up, or deal with it. But just like Truth or Dare, you can't be sure that what you're going to pick is the right answer. Unlike Truth or Dare, however, life has a few more rules. Be nice. Be normal. Be professional. Unfortunately for those of us who prefer the "truth" choice, these rules tend to restrict us a bit.
So what do you choose?
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