I don't know about you, but whenever I find that I'm having a bad day, I know that there are a few things that will help:
1. A nap. But this is not always a possibility. So we venture on.
2. Doing a spit-take. Seriously. Try it.
3. Bloopers. I'm not talking about home video bloopers, I'm talking about Saturday Night Live or sitcom television bloopers. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few of my favorites:
(Note: I don't own the rights to any of these videos and I believe once you click on them you'll see who really owns them. If not, blame blogspot because they let me use them. Kthxbye.)
Bill Hader and Seth Myers
The cast of Friends
The cast of Seinfeld
Watching these people laugh instantaneously puts me in a better mood no matter what.
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