Evidently I've been noticably goofy from a very young age. I'm told my dad's dad (Grandpa Maury) would come over to hang out with me while our Grandma Ziggy was at the salon getting her "hair fixed" (it was broken so she needed to go get it fixed...) on Saturdays. Years later, Ziggy always would tell me how Maury would get in the car with her when she was done at the salon and say, "Oh that Alli!"
Now I've never been able to decipher whether or not he meant that in the endearing way that I'm hoping, or in an exhausted way... "Oh that Alli... she's a real wild ass." Knowing good old Maury it was a little of both.
(Quintessential picture of Maury... a can of Budweiser by his side, and a look of "What in the hell are you doing?" on his face. If I grow up to be just like him I'll be able to say I'm an awesome human being...)
As I've grown into my quirks and eccentricity, I've noticed people saying "Oh that Alli" a lot. I'd say 75% of the time people say this instead of saying, "God you're weird..." and it is with a look on their face like this one:
Another 20% of the time it's said after I do something embarrassing of have something embarrassing happen to me. "Ha ha ha... oh that Alli... she ran over that parking meter again." "Oh that Alli... she blew another chance with a guy because she's a crazy cat lady - it just kills me when she does that!"
The remaining 5% (don't worry, 75 + 20+ 5 = 100, I did the math) of the time I hear it, it's used in an endearing tone, and I can't think of a higher compliment. "Oh that Alli... she's creative when she wants to be" or "Oh that Alli... that girl can nap with the best of them..." "Oh that Alli... she's got a really good heart..."
From now on I'm going to start saying "Oh that so-and-so" before giving someone a compliment. Even if it's to their face. It just makes the compliment seem a little more special for some reason! I dunno. It makes sense in my head.
I know what you're thinking right now.
"Oh that Alli... she sure is a weird one!"
And you know what?
You're right!
The remaining 5% (don't worry, 75 + 20+ 5 = 100, I did the math) of the time I hear it, it's used in an endearing tone, and I can't think of a higher compliment. "Oh that Alli... she's creative when she wants to be" or "Oh that Alli... that girl can nap with the best of them..." "Oh that Alli... she's got a really good heart..."
From now on I'm going to start saying "Oh that so-and-so" before giving someone a compliment. Even if it's to their face. It just makes the compliment seem a little more special for some reason! I dunno. It makes sense in my head.
I know what you're thinking right now.
"Oh that Alli... she sure is a weird one!"
And you know what?
You're right!
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