Here's my problem with New Year's Eve... It's very sneaky. You think you're going to go out and get all sparkely and drunk and have the BEST NIGHT EVER, but in actuality it's a huge, expensive, disappointing pain in the ass. And here's why:
-Anywhere good worth going to requires a ticket to get in. $50 to get through the door and then "drink specails" all night long. And they're "special" in the sense that they're rail vodka drinks with this much booze and this much soda, tonic, water, whathaveyou.
-It's freaking freezing on December 31st and girls (or at least this girl) feel required to wear dresses and heels. So you have to stand outside in line to get into the bar where you paid for a ticket weeks in advance, then you have to stand outside forever while waiting for a cab, all while your legs are exposed. If your date is a decent person he'll give you his coat but that's hardly been the case in my book... Happy New Year! Here's a head cold!
-Speaking of dates, it's my opinion that NYE is worse than Valentine's day in most scenarios. For single people anyway. And as I am a single gal and this is my blog, that's how it is. On Valentine's day you expect and accept the fact that there will be couples everywhere and that single people are the weirdo freak losers who should stay at home and cuddle up with their many cats (hollerrrrr....). NYE is the exact same way and there's even a countdown to a big romantic kiss at one point. Nothing more depressing to a single person than counting backwards from 10 while everyone else around you smooches the one they love and and you stand there quitely having a panic attack. However, that does give us single ladies a chance to make a beeline for the bar where there will most likely be no line as everyone else is in a passionate embrace with their date. "One vodka tonic with a lime for this Bitter Betty please. Aw hell, make it seven."
-Even if you're in a relationship, this holiday sucks because your expectations for it are always way better than it can ever be! This is true for most holidays but NYE definitely takes the cake. You envision this fabulous night, hype it up, and it's usually pret-tay miserable.
This might not be the case for everyone - some of you might love New Year's Eve. And if that's the case, then I sincerely hope you have an amazing night. And for the rest of us, I wish you a safe, warm, alcohol-filled, and drama-free night!

Should All Acquaintance Be Forgot...
This might not be the case for everyone - some of you might love New Year's Eve. And if that's the case, then I sincerely hope you have an amazing night. And for the rest of us, I wish you a safe, warm, alcohol-filled, and drama-free night!
Should All Acquaintance Be Forgot...
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